Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here we go!

Happy new year!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Bekah. I'm undertaking a project of sorts. I am wearing only skirts for the next 365 days. Why? Well why not?

I'm starting out with a small arsenal of skirts and dresses that I will doctor up as needed, in order to get as many outfits as possible. The goal is to successfully make it to January 1, 2013 without having touched a pair of jeans. Of course, I won't be attending my kickboxing class in a dress, so there's an allowance for pants there. Pajamas are also allowed, because I don't do nightgowns.

This blog isn't just about me in a skirt. It will touch upon most of what goes on in my life...I just hope it's nowhere near as eventful as 2011. The title implies that I will avoid my issues, but my take on it is that I'm just wrapping them up and making them pretty.  :)

Today's outfit was a long, orange-ish, accordion pleated skirt with purple flowers, with a purple sweater on top. I have a picture, but I'm too tired to upload it now. Sorry! Plus, it was Sunday, so I would be in a skirt anyway for church. Nothing out of the ordinary there. The real project starts tomorrow, when I have to figure out how to make my skirts/dresses casual enough for everyday wear. Wish me luck!

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