Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Foam Rollers & Color?

Note to self: do not wear a shower cap over rollers. I need to invest in a hair net.

Besides the unwanted humidity that occured overnight, I'd say the foam rollers weren't a complete failure. The weather completely ruined my hair, but it happens.

Here was my attempt at wearing color:

Reddish Eyeshadow! (It's brighter in real life)
This was on the back of my tshirt today...bottom left.
Underneath (in black) are the numbers 296.89, the DSM - IV number for Bipolar Disorder.

Please don't judge my ungroomed eyebrow and homemade shirt.

I swear I'll be more colorful tomorrow...and maybe I'll have the presence of mind to talk about something meaningful. Like how I realized that the title of my blog isn't just a cute play on words after all. Chew on that til next time.