Thursday, April 19, 2012

Now What?

The title just about sums it up. Today was my first full day of divorcee-ness and I couldn't help but worry about what I'm supposed to do next. Like this whole "looming divorce" thing was a barrier to the world and now that it's actually happened, I feel like I'm supposed to do something. I don't like this feeling at all, and it's making me want to crawl back into my nice warm hole where I am alone and comfortable.

This reaction is exactly the opposite of what I thought would happen, and it's the opposite reaction that everybody seems to think I'm supposed to be having. Ok, so it's great news that I'm divorced. Yippee, I'm over it. I'd like to be left alone now, thanks.

Why do I always end up having smiley pictures on the days that I don't really feel like smiling?

1 comment:

  1. It is OK for you to feel your feelings, and do whatever it is you feel like doing. If it is nothing, that is fine also. We cannot live our lives trying to do what other people think we should do. Enjoy your freedom, and when you are ready the horizons will open for you, and you will KNOW what to do. In the meantime live one day at a time, which is all we have anyway.
