I ironed today. I hate ironing. I'm not good at it. Generally I cheat and use the steamer, but it wasn't really getting any wrinkles out so I sucked it up and got the iron. I thought I did a decent job on my skirt, so I got dressed and headed to church.
As soon as I sat in the car, I had issues. The skirt got all bunchy and my coat wasn't draping right and by the time I got there (about 10-15 minutes), I was in an absolute panic about how wrinkly I had become. It ruined most of my day, actually. I was so self conscious about it and tried to keep my coat over me so no one could see what a pathetic mess I was. My mom swore that I was just "hyperfocusing" on it and that it wasn't that bad, but I didn't believe her.
Of course no one was pointing and laughing at my wrinkly skirt. Actually, I got two compliments. That was nice, but sometimes after a compliment I wonder if the compliment-giver is pulling a "mean girl" on me by whispering to a friend after giving the complement that it really is the most hideous skirt she's ever seen. It doesn't help that the compliment-givers were teenagers. If you're unsure about the reference, Netflix "Mean Girls."
Here it is, the terrible, horrible, no good, very wrinkled skirt:
I wore black heels today. At the time of this picture, I was upstairs and the shoes were downstairs, and my crankiness dictated that I change into pj's, and the only reason I go back downstairs was to have lunch and nap on the couch.
It was an awesome nap.
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