Monday, January 23, 2012

Good, Bad, Ugly, Adorable.

The Good:
  1. I bought a navy blue/white patterned skirt that will match my new blue shoes.
  2. I got the niece a stuffed Hello Kitty holding a cupcake.
  3. I had Panera Bread for dinner. It was delicious.
The Bad:
  1. I forgot to take a picture of what I was wearing today. It involved flowery sweater tights. Besides that, you didn't miss much.
  2. The carpool fell through tonight, so I didn't make it to kickboxing. I would have driven myself, but I don't see well in the rain. I'm serious. It's not a lame excuse, I swear. I was all dressed and ready to go, waiting in the appointed meeting spot, which is 15 minutes from my house and at least another 45 minutes to the gym, when it all fell through.
The Ugly:
  1. My wedding song came on my Pandora station while at Job #2. It is a song I really liked by a band I really liked LONG before what's-his-face was ever in the picture. Unwilling to let him take it away from me, I sat through it. A few tense minutes later it was over, and lucky me, I was having the physical symptoms of a panic attack without access to meds to make it go away. I managed to breathe through most of the chest pain, not hyperventilate and get through it. Blah.
The Adorable:

This is Harold. Harold the Hedgehog. He is perched atop my monitor. I saw him at a bookstore over the weekend and had to bring him home.

As my niece would say, byebye seeya!

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