Thursday, January 19, 2012

Aunt Bekah

My niece is cuter than your niece. You're going to have to take my word for it. No offense, but this is the internet and there's a chance I don't know you, so I'm not posting pictures. And if you do know me, then you probably already know what she looks like. So there.

Anyway, the kid's a riot. She's not even two and communicating in near complete sentences. She has made "please" and "thank you" an art form. When she wants you to sit next to her, it's in your best interest to sit there. And I think it's time to finish potty training, because she referred to herself as "gross" today. Gross or not, she's awesome. I spent most of the day with her and didn't rip my hair out. Aunt Bekah is learning a great deal of patience. Actually, that's not true. I learned patience when I was homeless and in an abusive marriage. Good things do come to those who wait, because now I can exercise that patience with my adorable niece.

This is all coming from someone who never really liked kids. They say parenthood changes a person, well I can tell you that so does aunt-hood. I like being an aunt. I can't wait to take her shopping and to get her hair done and give her advice on impractical shoes and brands of mascara.

Speaking of shoes and mascara, I struck out on both counts today. I wore flats because they were comfortable and I didn't put mascara on because I forgot. Ugh. I've been such a slacker lately. My moods and anxiety have been all over the place and I've been having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. By the time I do, I have no time to get ready, I can't decide what to wear, I panic and stress out even more, pick something stupid and end up late for work anyway. I think I only wore powder once this week, and that was today. The rest of the week it's been smudgy eyeliner, visible blemishes and chapstick. My great grandmother is shaking her finger at me again.

My outfit today was *hangs head* a repeat. I <3 Diet Coke shirt, pencil skirt & cardigan. I switched up the tights though:

They're fun. (yes, I put heels on to take the picture because the flats looked ridiculous) You know, I should've made this year about tights. I could easily find 365 different pairs. Not that this project was ever about wearing 365 different skirt outfits. It's really more about approaching life differently, trying new things and sticking to my guns.

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