Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's a Small World After All

I went to a 50th birthday party today. At this party I met some new people who were pretty cool. Not only were they pretty cool, but they know people that I know. And not only do they know people that I know, they know people that I know from guard and dance!

The birthday boy's wife is best friends with my colorguard instructor from high school.

The birthday boy's best friend's wife was the first modern dance teacher of my most recent modern dance teacher.

I'm not sure I can convey the excitement that I had upon discovering those connections. In fact I know I can't. Let's just say that I was super animated and talking loud and fast and gesturing wildly. That generally means I'm excited.

At some point early evening it began to drizzle. Our group relocated from out in the open to under a large tent. Shortly thereafter, the heavens opened and it poured. My thoughts immediately went to my car...I couldn't remember if I had closed the sunroof! So I did the only rational thing anyone in my position would do - I grabbed my keys and sprinted to the car. The sunroof was closed. I was soaked, but the fact that the interior of my car was not soaked made it worth it. The possibility that my shoes may be ruined...I guess that was worth it too. Because shoes are cheaper than replacing the leather interior of an Audi. I love playing in the rain anyway so I really didn't mind getting soaked. I actually took my time on the way back to the tent. Yay for rain!

This is what one looks like after running about in the pouring rain after a couple of hours; the absolute epitome of beauty.

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