RIP Adam "MCA" Yauch.
I've learned a few things this week:
1) I can have fun in the face of an old vice and not even think twice about it.
2) Being DD is actually kind of rewarding.
3) Catching up with friends is really nice...
4) But not so nice when you find out that they had a similar horrific experience with an ex-significant other.
5) I can stay out late and still be a grown up and go to work the next day.
6) And lastly, I'm too old for this kind of late-night socializing on a repetitive basis.
Best friend's brother (who I'm also friends with) was in town this last week. He lives in Colorado and rarely comes home, so when he's around we hang out. This week it involved tattoo retouching (his, not mine), a game of pool (I won), me playing the part of responsible driver, and long drawn out conversations that quickly fast forwarded the night to almost 3am. It was fun, but I was out every night this week. I just started being social again; this was overkill! But the next time I see him could be another 2 years from now, so whatever, I'll deal with being tired. It'll pass eventually.
I had some pin curl success this week:
My hair stayed that curly for two days. The secret? I pinned it while it was still kinda wet (using mousse), then slept on it. That was Tuesday and Wednesday. I had gotten some waterless foam shampoo for curly hair and used it Wednesday morning - it worked quite well!
Thursday I let my hair go au naturale:
There's a huge difference between the way my hair comes out of my head and the way I would like it to! And...I have a huge forehead. Sigh.
Friday, same hair, different makeup:
I really do have a lot of fun with looking completely different from day to day.
That about sums up the week. It's really early for me to be writing, so maybe I'll come back later, maybe not. Don't hold your breath.
I love your hair anyway you wear it, specially in its natural state. The wide forehead is a sign of high intelligence, so congratulations. You are perfect!