Monday, March 26, 2012

Just Another Panicked Monday

For once, that's a good thing.

I am now the proud owner of 4 brand new, shiny, SQUARE cupcake pans. I was going to bake something as soon as I got home with them, but then realized that I had no frosting, and I wasn't in the mood to make it. So no baking this evening. Anyway, my tendency to panic is the reason I was able to purchase the pans. Over dinner my dad and I were discussing the logistics of the reception for which I am baking. I remembered that Target had the pans I needed and all of a sudden I had this terrible sinking feeling that if I didn't go NOW they would be out of stock. So after dinner we headed to Target and sure enough, there were only 4 left, and they were on sale! And I have my panic to thank. Weird.

I'll admit it. I looked like a shapeless hag today. I worked Job #1 in pajamas and was very, very tempted to do the same for Job #2. Instead I stayed in the black t-shirt I slept in, threw on the denim maxi I wore Saturday, my yellow hoodie, some sloppy kohl eyeliner and the Batman chucks. It was bad. When it became evident that I'd have to go out for dinner, I swapped the hoodie for a better-fitting sweater and actually put some makeup on. I guess it was a slight improvement, but let's be real, who am I gonna impress at the Chinese buffet?

It's been 4 days since my 90 days were up. My attorney is waiting on his attorney. That makes me nervous, but I'm trying not to let it really affect me. He would want and expect me to be upset, it's just the kind of passive aggressive mental manipulation he excels at. So, I'm not upset. I'm just living my life a day at a time. Any more than that and I think I'd collapse under the pressure of just being alive.

Yes, just one day at a time. Monday is almost over...what will Tuesday bring?

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