Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day, Indeed!

The only reason Valentine's day has anything to do with romantic love is because of Chaucer.

Thanks big guy. Your literary prowess was amazing, but you should know that you've ruined February 14 for men and divorcees forever. The date February 14 itself is actually the day Saint Valentine of Rome was buried. He was martyred. Nothing romantic about that.

There's nothing romantic about my poor grandmother finding her boyfriend dead this morning either. There's nothing loving about my niece smacking me in the butt, nothing amorous about chocolate kisses (the only kind I'll be getting for a long time), and nothing exciting about cleaning and reorganizing my kitchen cabinets.

My life is dull, and I love it that way. How's that for romance? I'm having a love affair with clothes, hair and makeup with no one to show it off to except my parents and the 3 ladies I work with at Job #2.

And speaking of...

First shot at faux bangs...not too bad! I was going to curl the bottom but didn't really have time this morning. And I tried pink lipstick...but I don't think it's bright enough. The whole trial-and-error thing is great, it's giving me lots and lots to do. I'd rather spend time with my hair than most people these days. That's sad.

What's also sad is that I now have to leave...to go to dinner and a movie with my parents, because my mom felt too sorry for me to leave me home.

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